Programming Note | Honoring Our Veterans - Please Register
AHEPA appreciates its districts and chapters for honoring Ahepans who are Veterans with the AHEPA Medal for Military Service and certificate. To keep a proper accounting, and for archival purposes, the AHEPA Veterans Committee is requesting all Veterans who have received this honor to register with the Committee's database (preferred method). Registration can also be facilitated through a downloadable PDF. If your

district or chapter has held an event to honor our Veterans with the medal, please ensure they are registered with the AHEPA Veterans Committee.
The act of honoring AHEPA family members with the AHEPA Medal for Military Service was acknowledged by the U.S. Senate as part of a concurrent resolution passed March 20, 2000, with the lead of then U.S. Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), on the occasion of the 2000 AHEPA Biennial Salute Banquet. The banquet's theme was "Salute to Veterans."
For More Info/To Register: Click Here

Veterans from Chapter 20, Dallas,Texas, who were honored for their service and sacrifice.

Call for Applications | 2017 AHEPAcademy Session
Join a select group of Greek American students from across the country for AHEPAcademy, June 25 - July 1, 2017, at George Mason University, outside Washington, DC. learn more
Early Application Deadline: April 1, 2017
Final Deadline: April 15, 2017
DOWNLOAD Application: Download
SHARE VIDEO: AHEPAcademy promo video (via AHEPA Facebook page)​
ICYMI | AHEPA Joins American Jewish Leaders for Meetings in Cyprus
AHEPA joined American Jewish community leaders at events held with Cypriot government officials in Nicosia, Cyprus, February 22, 2017, announced Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades.

READ MORE: AHEPA news release
Book Your Room! | 2017 Supreme Convention!

Rebuild St Nicholas Shrine Campaign

AHEPA is determined to meet its Saint Nicholas Capital Campaign fund raising goal of $1 million. Donations--large and small--keep pouring in for AHEPA's #RebuildStNicholas capital campaign.

AHEPA Chapter 41, Brooklyn, N.Y. announces its $20,000 donation for the campaign to help rebuild Saint Nicholas.
NEW! | AHEPA's campaign to help #RebuildStNicholas is grateful for the support it has received from all across the globe. The latest donation to the campaign is yet another example of this worldwide support. Thank you to Ifestos Chapter HJ-17, Vari, Greece, for its $1,000 donation! Thank you!
Visit our #RebuildStNicholas campaign webpage.
CHECK OUT: Our panel of donors
Has your district or chapter organized a fundraiser for the campaign to #RebuildStNicholas? Take action and support AHEPA's campaign today! Please tweet about your fundraising activity by using #RebuildStNicholas to share your work with the broader community!
Share Media

New Media Share | Latest St. Nicholas Appeal Video
AHEPA has produced its latest appeal video to help #RebuildStNicholas.
TAKE ACTION: Donate Today!
MORE TO SHARE: Initial appeal video released at the 94th Grand Banquet!
Project Update

MEDIA COVERAGE: New York Times: Cross Takes Its Place, Temporarily, Atop Shrine at World Trade Center
Live Webcam!
Thanks to a live webcam, you can watch progress being made with a first-hand look at the site where Saint Nicholas National Shrine will be build.
A look at Tower 1 at the World Trade Center through the dome of St. Saint Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center. (Photo credit: Theo Nicolakis, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese)
It's a New Congress! Help Grow the Hellenic Caucus!
The 115th Congress is well underway. And with it, the work renews for the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, led by Co-chairs U.S. Reps. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL) and Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY). The Hellenic Caucus begins the 115th Congress with 120 members.
Is your U.S. representative a member of the Hellenic Caucus? Click here to find out.
DOWNLOAD & SHARE: Action alert to help you outreach to Congress
The Hellenic Caucus has been an active, bipartisan group in Congress since its founding in 1995.
The Ahepan
ICYMI Check out the winter 2016 issue of The Ahepan! Share it with family and friends by forwarding this electronic version.
Read about how the AHEPA family reached a milestone in cancer research grant-giving, how young professionals from Greece are battling "Brain Drain, and how Ahepans are continuing to provide aid to the victims of the Flint water crisis. Also, don't forget to catch-up on the latest ways AHEPA chapters are giving back through community service.
Click on the magazine icon to read it today!
Upcoming Events & Deadlines
10 | Deadline to apply for the 2017 Journey to Greece Program 11 | Hellenic History Tournament - Chicago Regional
14 | Reception to Celebrate 100th Birthday of Lt. Col. James "Maggie"
Megellas, Cannon House Office Blg., Room 122
26 | New York City Greek Independence Day Parade
31 | Deadline to apply for an AHEPA National Educational Foundation
1 | Early Deadline: AHEPAcademy Application
2 | Philadelphia Greek Independence Day Parade
15 | Final Deadline: AHEPAcademy Application
Greek American News Digest
Editor's Note: Editorials, Commentaries, and Opinion pieces are shared for information purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy positions of the Order of AHEPA, its affiliated organizations, and members.

Mnuchin Comments Imply U.S. Wants IMF to Stick to Hard Line on Greece Wall Street Journal (Feb. 23)
Greece's economic crisis is principally Europe's problem, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in an interview, offering the first hints on how the Trump administration will treat one of the eurozone's most critical issues. His comments, along with his conversation with International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Tuesday, suggest the new administration will encourage the fund to hold to its hard line on Greece, keeping it out of a third bailout for the foreseeable future. "This is primarily a European issue," Mr. Mnuchin said in a Wall Street Journal interview Wednesday. read more

Greeks Turn to the Black Market as Another Bailout Showdown Looms New York Times (Feb. 18)
During seven years of a grinding economic crisis, Dimitri Tsamopoulos has lost at least half the clients from his once bustling tax consultancy. But in the past few months, business has jumped, not because the Greek economy is finally recovering but because it is falling even deeper into the abyss. With the Greek government pushing through more tax increases to comply with austerity requirements, more than 21,000 self-employed workers and small firms have shut down in the past two months, with many seeking help from accountants like Mr. Tsamopoulos to close their books. Yet many are not actually closing their businesses. read more

Is This Athens' Newest Cool Neighborhood?
Vogue (Feb. 26)
Distractions are delightfully rampant in Athens. Wake up with plans to visit one of the city's fine museums, like the Benaki, then, after strolling the picturesque, albeit touristy, streets of the village-like Pláka, the sight of a buzzing alfresco café inspires a shift in priorities with the promise of a silky freddo espresso. Such alluring spontaneity is especially felt in Koukaki and Makriyianni, the verdant, pedestrian-friendly adjoining neighborhoods just below the Acropolis. Despite the presence of this visitor-clogged landmark that surreally pops out in the midst of an urban landscape, and several museums, they remain remarkably hushed, inviting wandering and lingering. read more

Cinema's and Theater's Core Concepts are Greek The National Herald (Feb. 24)
Though two millennia have passed, much of theater's and cinema's terminology, plot elements, and classification into genres have not changed significantly since antiquity. Greeks did not only gave the world the theater, as an idea of enacting in a specific place before a live audience a real or imagined story using actors and elements from many arts. Modern theater and cinema owns to ancient drama much of its core terminology, which defines its content. The word cinema derives from the Greek kinematographos = kinema and grapho. Κinema (cinema) means the movement and the verb grapho means to write, to record. Cinema records the movement, it is moving images. In English the whole Greek word has been kept in the word cinematography, which is the film making. read more