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AHEPA E-News! | Vol. 11 Issue 18

Writer: Order of AHEPAOrder of AHEPA

Today is AHEPA Family Capitol Hill Day

The AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope are walking the Halls of Congress to take their message to legislators on Capitol Hill today. It's all part of the organizations' annual Capitol Hill Day, a tradition since 2006, where members of Congress will hear directly from the grassroots about the public policy priorities of the AHEPA family. The day concludes with a reception in the Capitol Visitors Center that will honor excellence in public service.

Greek Independence Celebrated in Chicago

Chicago celebrated Greek Independence with a flag-raising ceremony at Daley Plaza, April 28, and a parade, April 30. The parade featured the Evzones and a myriad of floats from the Greek American community of Chicago and surrounding areas. AHEPA thanks parade organizers and AHEPA Districts 12 (Indiana) and 13 (Illinois and Wisconsin) for participating.

AHEPA Thanks Alma Bank for St. Nicholas Support

AHEPA Gus Cherevas Estia-Pindus Chapter 326, Flushing, N.Y., presented Panos Stogioglou, senior vice president and chief banking ffficer, Alma Bank, with a Certificate of Appreciation for the bank's ongoing support for the rebuilding of Saint Nicholas National Shrine and Greek Orthodox Church at World Trade Center. AHEPA Chairman of the Board Nicholas A. Karacostas, PSP, who also serves as chairman of AHEPA's St. Nicholas Capital Campaign Drive; and Chapter 326 President Harry Yanakis, made the presentation April 30, 2017.

Spring 2017 Issue of The Ahepan is Out!

Hot off the electronic press! Check out the newly-released spring 2017 issue of The

Ahepan! Share it with family and friends by forwarding this electronic version.

Read about the legacy of the Greek railroad workers of Oregon and Southern Washington, AHEPA’s ongoing collaboration with American Jewish organizations, and one veteran’s special day in Nebraska. This issue also includes a Supreme Convention registration form. Finally, don't forget to catch-up on the latest ways AHEPA chapters are giving back through community service. Next Deadline: May 9, 2017

Deadline Extended | Journey to Greece

Study abroad this summer and earn 6 college credits in Greece. AHEPA, in partnership with Webster University, is sponsoring 20 students to visit locations like Athens, Delphi, Meteora, Hosios Loukas, Arachova, and Crete -- all while earning college credits!

Deadline Extended: Apply Today

More Info: Click Here


Rebuild St. Nicholas Campaign

AHEPA is determined to meet its Saint Nicholas Capital Campaign fund raising goal of $1 million. Donations--large and small--keep pouring in for AHEPA's #RebuildStNicholas capital campaign.

NEW | Thank you to AHEPA Chapter 108, Jersey City, N.J., which is home to Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades, for its $1,000 donation to help #RebuildStNicholas!


Has your district or chapter organized a fundraiser for the campaign to #RebuildStNicholas? Take action and support AHEPA's campaign today! Please tweet about your fundraising activity by using #RebuildStNicholas to share your work with the broader community!

Share Media

St. Nicholas Appeal Video

AHEPA has produced its latest appeal video to help #RebuildStNicholas.

Project Update

Live Webcam!

Thanks to a live webcam, you can watch progress being made with a first-hand look at the site where Saint Nicholas National Shrine will be build.


Washington Update

Tell Congress to Support Bipartisan Genocide Prevention Resolution

AHEPA commends the introduction of H.Res.220, a bipartisan anti-genocide resolution calling on the United States to apply the lessons of the Armenian Genocide in seeking to prevent modern day atrocities across the Middle East, and urges its passage in the U.S. House of Representatives, announced Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades. U.S. Reps. David Trott (R-MI) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) introduced the resolution on March 22. H.R.220 has 31 co-sponsors.

In addition to calling on the U.S. to draw on the lessons of the Armenian Genocide, H.Res.220's resolved clause includes the U.S. to also draw on "...the broader genocidal campaign by the Ottoman Empire against Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Greeks, Pontians and other Christians upon their biblical era homelands."

It's a New Congress! Help Grow the Hellenic Caucus!

The 115th Congress is well underway. And with it, the work renews for the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, led by Co-chairs U.S. Reps. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL) and Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY). The Hellenic Caucus begins the 115th Congress with 120 members.

The Hellenic Caucus has been an active, bipartisan group in Congress since its founding in 1995.


Upcoming Events & Deadlines


3 | AHEPA Family Capitol Hill Day

9 | Deadline: The Ahepan Summer 2017 Issue

21 | AHEPA Day

22 | AHEPA Wreath-laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery


Greek American News Digest

Editor's Note: Editorials, Commentaries, and Opinion pieces are shared for information purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy positions of the Order of AHEPA, its affiliated organizations, and members.

Greece agrees to new bailout deal, austerity measures

Associated Press (May 2)

Greece struck a deal with rescue creditors Tuesday toward getting the bailout cash it needs to avoid another brush with bankruptcy this summer, though it leaves long-suffering Greeks facing years more austerity.Following months of tough negotiations, the Greek government agreed to make another round of pension cuts in 2019 and commit to new tax increases after the current bailout program ends next year. read more

Opinion: Trump should lead the rescue of Greece

MarketWatch (May 2)

Talks into the middle of the night. Frantic last-minute negotiations. An economy sinking ever deeper into despair. A painful round of budget cuts and tax rises, which will have to be pushed through Parliament while riot police control the protesters outside. read more

Athens keeping eye on Balkan developments

Ekathimerini (May 1)

In the wake of the recent ethnically motivated clashes in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and the political changes in Albania, Greece is keeping a wary eye on developments in both neighboring countries. read more

Opinion: Cyprus can, so why can't Greece?

Ekathimerini (April 29)

Every visit to Cyprus is like a punch to the gut to me, because it reminds me of what Greece could be like if it was free of its hang-ups. read more

Cyprus talks will not affect exercise of sovereign rights

Cyprus Mail (May 1)

The ongoing dialogue for a solution to the Cyprus problem will not, in anyway, affect the Republic of Cyprus` exercise of sovereign rights, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has stressed.Acting Government Spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos said, in a written statement, that President Anastasiades returned from Brussels on Sunday and was informed about newspaper reports concerning a new Geneva conference. read more

Cyprus Talks have been 'quite good lately' Eide tells CNA

GreekNews via CNA (April 27)

UN Secretary General`s Special Advisor on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide has told CNA that despite a very difficult surrounding climate, the talks themselves “have been quite good lately”. He also said that his sense is that the sides would like to go back to Geneva, but in order to get back to Geneva they have agreed that there are certain things they have to do in Cyprus. read more

Cypriot-American Demos Parneros Named Barnes & Noble's Chief Executive

The National Herald (April 28)

Cypriot-American Demos Parneros has been named Chief Executive Officer for Barnes & Noble, the Fortune 500 company, the nation’s largest retail bookseller, and a leading retailer of content, digital media, and educational products. The Company operates 634 Barnes & Noble bookstores in 50 states (as of January 28, 2017), and one of the Web’s premier e-commerce sites, The Nook Digital business offers a lineup of popular NOOK® tablets and eReaders and a large collection of digital reading content through the NOOK Store®, as noted on the company’s website. read more


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